Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Valley of Armegeddon.....

Mount Carmel was our next destination.

This is where Elijah defeated the worshipers of Baal with a fire challenge.

 Carmel means garden of God.

Mt Carmel is located in Northern Israel.  The city of Haifa is just north of them and it is Israel's third largest city.  The area where we visited was on top of a mountain over ooking a great valley.  Noted biblical persons walked up that valley including Jesus. and old testament persons.  It is the passage that everyone has to take to travel north or south.

This valley is identified as being Armageddon as mentioned in the old testament. That is identified as the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil.

While we were visiting on the balcony looking out, a Canadian tour group decided to sing a rousing praise song projecting music out to the valley. I read that their are caves along this valley journey where people sought refuge during hard times in the country.

On top of the hill next to the building with a balcony was a memorial spot where a Catholic priest built a garden.  It was decorated with many objects  from rocks. The area had a few stone rest benches where different tour groups could then sit and listen to the tour guide.

This scene shows a better view of a garden than the area where all the rock formations were displayed. The gardens are old as the trees were old. Built next to the balcony location area was also a gift shop and a small Catholic Church.

Elijah in the old testament was in this area.  This is the spot where he as a prophet was challenged by Baal followers. They challenged him to build an alter and ask his God to set it afire.  Elijah pointed out to them that they should do the same, praying toBaal to set their altar wood afire.  Elijah proceeded to have people throw buckets of water onto his wood.  God did set his altar wood afire and the worshipers of a log stuck in the ground did not get the job done.

The historic site is controlled by the Catholic Church so they posted signs of direction to the visitors.

As I am writing these posts, I find that I have to research things to be sure that I am sharing things that I thought I had heard from the tour guide. I do want you to know that as I learn new things, I do go back and edit.  The post is for sharing the photos first but identification the place and history comes in a good second.

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