Friday, November 29, 2019

First Airport , It's a Beginning.....

The journey begins with rows of clouds predicting it will be a rougher trip than I could ever imagine.  A flight to Chicago in the afternoon gets us to O'hare International Airport, checking in and waiting for our next flight to leave after a four or more hour layover. We had never been there before but we did finally find a place to eat in a center court of food spots.

The airport is a busy one and our plane took almost an hour to load. We had seen the brigade of stewards and pilots marching by with the women's matching outfits and  berets. It is a large group to take care of the large numbers of passengers on the flight.

Having never been on such a large aircraft it was overwhelming to see the rows of seats from side to side.

Packing everyone into their small spaces and securing the carry-on luggage was the first objective before take off.  Little did I know how it will feel to be on a plane longer than nine hours.

Our flight from Chicago is headed for Istanbul, Turkey.  It is a very modern airport with many people standing in lines.  Our new line would be getting out our passports to get ourselves approved for boarding to a plane for Israel.